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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
11CarteKAM1.1Ibn-Kammūna, Saʿd Ibn-ManṣūrExamen de la critique des trois religions monothéistesda
12CarteMEL3.1Melamed, AvrahamThe Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Thoughtda
13CartePAK1.1ibn Paḳudah, Baḥye ben Yosef The book of directions to the duties of the heartda
14CartePIN4.1Pines, ShlomoStudies in Islamic atomismnu
15CartePOS1.1Posselt, BerndKonzeption und Kompilation der Schedelschen Weltchronikda
16CarteRAZ1.1Rāzī, Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā Abū Bakr alDoutes sur Galienda
17CarteSAL5.1Salonen, KirsiPapal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rotanu
18CarteWEI1.17#2Weijers, OlgaA scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Parisnu
19CarteYEH1.2Yehudah ha-LeṿiThe Book of Kuzarida